Saturday, 2 March 2013

planning- rough soundtrack ideas.

Me and Rachel went on to look for songs which fit in with our rom/com genre. We have decided we will need two or three songs in the first part and montages and a few sound effects for our opening titles.

The song we use in the first part where the main character is sat at his desk will need to be gentle so it isn't overpowering the monologue which is being played at the same time. As our opening is supposed to be quite quirky we think the song in the background will also have to be quite 'quirky' and 'indie' which most rom/coms use anyway in their films.

The sound effects used in our opening titles will have to be a sort of typing sound for when each title comes up and something which makes our film name effective. Something catchy will draw the audience in and hopefully make them want to watch it more. We also need the sound of an email for when Dave receives the email from Kate, to outline the fact that he has an email.

Some of the music clips we looked at and thought we could use for our film opening are;
You Are You- Fall Walk Run
These are only rough ideas and may change throughout our planning.

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