Friday, 5 April 2013

planning- storyboard planning.

To help us plan our opening and understand which shot comes where, we have decided to stick our storyboard which are on post its onto our wall, where we can see them when filming our opening. When we have filmed a particular shot we will take the post it down from the wall so we know where abouts where we are in our filming.

We have only put the storyboard onto Rachels wall as that is where we are filming our 'office' section instead of putting onto my wall too. Then we can see quickly where abouts we are with filming and they are all spread out instead of in a pile which is easier too read.

On the day of editing because we realised we needed more shots, we also made a list of things we may need to include into the office section so we didn't miss anything out. Also the list will help us become more motivated as we know what to include.

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