Saturday, 27 April 2013

planning- photo documentation of actors.

Here are some images of the actors in our film opening..

Phillip- main character 'Dave', journalist looking for an article to write.

Rachel- montage one 'Chloe', Dave takes her on a date to Mc Donalds.

Leanne- montage two 'Alice', receives break up text from Dave.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

editing- final piece.

Today we are putting the last touches to our film opening. Including the titles and effects.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Friday, 5 April 2013

planning- lighting in our opening.

I made a mini clip on goanimate which explains the lighting we have used in each scene. media lighting by faithylou on GoAnimate

Video Maker - Powered by GoAnimate.

planning- video of opening.

Earlier in the week Rachel had made a youtube video including the mise en scene and the location within the opening. It describes where about the scenes are shot and what is included within the scene to make it effective and if it goes with the storyline.

Here is the link to Rachels video: video of location/mise en scene.

planning- storyboard planning.

To help us plan our opening and understand which shot comes where, we have decided to stick our storyboard which are on post its onto our wall, where we can see them when filming our opening. When we have filmed a particular shot we will take the post it down from the wall so we know where abouts where we are in our filming.

We have only put the storyboard onto Rachels wall as that is where we are filming our 'office' section instead of putting onto my wall too. Then we can see quickly where abouts we are with filming and they are all spread out instead of in a pile which is easier too read.

On the day of editing because we realised we needed more shots, we also made a list of things we may need to include into the office section so we didn't miss anything out. Also the list will help us become more motivated as we know what to include.

editing- day one.

On Tuesday we started editing our opening film clips at school. We only managed to edit the first montage as we already had the second montage edited and in the main part of the opening we realised we would need more clips as we didn't quite get enough to make it run smoothly. We will re film parts of the opening next week and then continue to edit when we are back at school.

Monday, 1 April 2013

planning- editing.

Tomorrow and Wednesday, me and Rachel will be going into school to edit our opening clips as we do not have any of the software at home and we want to make sure we finish everything before the deadline.

We have a various number of different clips from our montages and main opening so we can see which ones make the opening look more effective. We have shot from different angles, but made sure it was on a 180 degree rule.

We still need to record our monologue as we think the software on our laptops will make the voice  too quiet and we may not be able to hear it properly. So when we go back to school we will ask the drama block if we can record down there. Then we will edit on to our opening in the places it will need to go. It may be hard to get it accurately on top of the opening, so we may need to watch it over and over again so we know where abouts to put it and what bit needs what. 

planning- second montage filmed.

Yesterday, the weather stayed fine for us to film our outdoor montage. I thought this bit of filming was a lot easier to film than the other pieces of the opening as we had a lot of space to vary our shots. We met our actor at the place we were filming in the morning and planned our shots before we finally started filming. It only took about 45 minutes to film the montage and we made sure we had enough clips to make the montage look effective.

These are some of the photos we got whilst filming our last montage.