Tuesday, 19 February 2013

planning- our final idea?

From a lot of feedback and thinking we have decided to put the 3 main idea's together in the opening. Many rom/coms are filmed from the womans point of view, so to make it more quirkier we thought to film it in the males POV, it may be hard to find a male to act for us but were sure we'll manage to find one.

We have decided to not do the diary idea as we think it may be quite hard to find a boys bedroom and it may not turn out as effective as we hoped it would.

We've decided on doing the main character as an intern journalist, who is the only male in his department who works for a female magazine, he's been given an article about dating women, if it is successful he'll get a full time contract.

 It starts with him at his desk struggling what to write, we thought the montage could include short flashbacks the character is having whilst thinking of ideas to put in his article of all the 'bad dating experiences' with girls he has had. He then decides that could be a bad idea and turns out most of his previous dates with girls have all been terrible. This also brings quite a comical mood to the film as they are funny bad experiences which will hopefully draw the audience in.

Meanwhile, from the start of the opening were going to use a monologue in the film explaining to the audience what he is doing for his article etc and his thought process.

He then gives up, until he recieves an email from a colleague, he finds her really attractive but knows she is definately out of his league. Despite this, the male tries his best to win Kates heart which he decides is what he will write about in his article.

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