Monday, 28 January 2013

research- opening sequence brief.

On Wednesday we were given four ideas of an opening clip. The four idea's were:
  • A 'relationship' comedy/drama made by an independent production company, aimed at young adults
  • Science fiction British adult audience.
  • A mainstream action film that will appeal to both 15-25year old males and females. Your Film should appear to be based on a "fictional" comic book.

  • A film that is based on a real event from the last 10 years. Your film should appear to be independently funded.


    Our task was pretty simple; we were given two minutes to complete one of the film openings from above, it had to be two minutes because then you're not giving too much away to the audience. However, if your clip is longer than two minutes the examiner can turn the clip off at any time after that point, its their choice. We can only work in a maximum of 3 people to a group, so I am working with the group I worked with for the PE because I worked well with them.

    PE- finishing off the editing.

    We haven't quite finished editing yet, we still need to include some backing music and make the clips flow better. We also need to decide on which clips to use and what looks better as we took each clip twice at different angles.  As we have now moved on to the opening clips we shall have do finish it in our own time, either at dinners or afterschool, it shouldn't take us long then we can hopefully publish the real thing.

    Sunday, 27 January 2013

    PE- editing.

    We are editing our short clips on Serif Movieplus, this is a really useful tools as it gives you a clear understanding on how to cut and join together clips. We then realised that editing is quite hard when we were left to do it alone, although we do seem to be getting the jist of it now. It has taken us a few hour to edit half of our PE, so we still have quite a bit left to do, but it shouldn't take us too long. In our video we have added the following editing techniques:

    • match on action- this shot shows the two girls charging through the door to the library.
    • shot reverse shot- this shows the two actors having a conversation with eachother in the corridor.
    • eyeline match- this shows Rachel looking down at the mystery letter then another shot showing the audience the letter.

    PE- day two of filming.

    We only had a few shots to film today, and managed to complete it in under 2 hours. Our group worked well together to finish it in a short space of time, without any complications. We have now started editing our PE and hopefully won't be to difficult for us.

    PE- day one of filming.

    Day one of filming went quite well, it is hard to get each shot and angle right to make it look professional. We managed to do the majority of the stair and corridor shots, but we could not film in the resource centre as other students were studying and were told not to disrupt them so we all decided to go after school where it would be empty.

    We didn't finish all of our filming today so were going to do it tomorrow aswell.

    Sunday, 20 January 2013

    PE- location.

    We all decided on our location to be in the Resource Centre for our preliminary task. It is a library/study area and thought it could resemble a library in the set of where both actors meet. We are also using the stairs next to the resource centre and the corridor leading to it.

    Thursday, 17 January 2013

    PE- storyboard.

    Here is our storyboard of our preliminary tasks, we use many different editing techiques and camerawork throughout:

    PE- shot/reverse shot.

    Shot/ reverse shot is generally used in conversation between two people. The first shot is of one character who is speaking then it switches to the next character when they're speaking and so on. Here is an example of shot/reverse shot:

    PE- 180 degree rule.

    The 180 degree rule is also a continuity editing. It is where the camera is shot on a 180 degree angle of two characters that have the same left-right relationship to eachother. It shows the spatial relationship between the two characters and is usually used during conversation.

    PE- match on action.

    A match on action is an editing technique used in continuity editing, it brings two elements together showing one shot cutting to another shot which matches the first implying the action of the subject in shot one. It gives the impression of continuous time. It helps the audience continually understand what is happening throughout the clip.
    Here is an example of match on action, which starts around 00:11. Hopefully my groups match on action will look something like this:

    Preliminary Exercise.

    For our preliminary exercise we need to compose a short film clip which include specific techical micro elements such as editing, camerawork, mise en scene and sound.
    We should include the following- Match on action, 180 degree rule, shot/reverse shot and dialogue. We were given up to two minutes to complete our task in, we had to work around a character walking through a door and sitting on a chair opposite another character and then use dialogue effectively.
    I will update my blog daily with the things me and my group have thought of.

    Tuesday, 15 January 2013

    A few of my favourite things.

    I love reading many womens fashion and gossip magazines. Some of my favourites are:



                                                          and Look
    I like these magazines because they update me with the latest gossip, they're full of entertainment and their psychographics relate to me. I am a part of many social networking sites..

    My favourite include Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. They are a great way to communicate with friends and very easy to access.


    I like to go out with my friends on a weekly basis, we usually go to the cinema's or go shopping. One of my favourite films is Burlesque.